Why do days like today keep happening? Or are they everyday, and I just don't notice?
My co-worker just found out that a friend from her small Christian school back home died after a fall while hiking. Her shock at first made me think that it wasn't a big deal to her. She kept talking about this "on top of everything else," which led to her telling me about all the problems "up there" (meaning, home).
A friend came home from college to find his house on fire and his father inside. A friend of her sister gave birth to a child she was keeping secret, and then threw the child away.
And Mary's mother has cancer.
We prayed for that cancer, and it was gone. God heard that prayer. God acted. So what is this? Now my prayers are desperate pleading and shameful bargaining. I try to talk him into saving these people that mean so much to so many. Try to convince him that this is his chance to prove himself.
But how he's already proved himself, over and over.
What is the worth of these words I bring to him? Certainly nothing compared to the worth of these people that are hurting.
So SAVE, God.
4 years ago