Friday, June 13, 2008

Another Random Memory

While riding to work this morning, I remembered a couple of things from last summer that made me smile and probably look goofy to people driving past me.

The one that I'll share was from a Bible study last summer that was intentionally light. The other intern, Mary, and I worked on it for a while, making note cards with different celebrities' names on them. We taped them to people's foreheads and everyone else had to describe the person on the card. The person with a card on his/her forehead had to figure out who he/she was.


Cards with "Michael Jackson" and "Brittney Spears" were big hits, of course. Then we got into more obscure celebrities, like Bjorn Borg or something. I don't know. As a lark, we put "Lucas Matthews" on one of the cards, and I waited for the maelstrom of insults like "big, big dork" and "laaaaaaaaaame."

But instead, there was a wave of chuckles as people read the card and I remember one of the teens yelling, "pretty much the coolest guy ever." Adjectives like "awesome" and "funny" followed, and I felt my face grow very red.

The cards then became vague, with either stereotypes or short descriptions of random people that you would meet on the sidewalk. Then we rolled out the lesson, talking about how you never know what people are really like or how they would respond to the gospel. That is, we can't pick and choose with whom to share the Good News based on if we think people would be receptive to it.

It wound up being one of our better lessons, and a good day overall.

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