Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Why I let a church pay me

I was talking to my friend Hannah the other night about how things are going with my youth group here in Colorado. She said something to the effect of not being totally sure of the point of youth groups, never having been in a real one herself. The closest thing she had been a part of was her siblings and then the children of another family.

This struck me as interesting, because I have always gone to a church with a youth group. But always having had something is no reason to have it. So why, then, do we have a youth group?

Truth to tell, that "closest thing" that Hannah was a part of is exactly what I hope for out of my kids here. Family. Intimacy. Relationships with deep roots.

And with those relationships, you can do some great things. This is my third summer out here and I am just now catching my stride. Now that I know these youths so well, we can get on with our real job together: forming a spiritual outlook and spiritual habits to build on for the rest of our lives. We read and wrestle with the Bible together. We pray together. We serve together, although not as much as I would like. And this summer we are learning to share our faith together.

Maybe none of this needed to be said. But it is on my mind and I own this blog, so deal with it. Haha.

1 comment:

Cole said...

I hope great things happen for you with those kids this summer, Lucas :) Keep smilin'